APRIL 10-12, 2025
Call for Artwork!
Our organization has a mission to promote the arts and encourage young people to develop their creativity by hosting this annual event. This year your student’s artwork will be displayed at the United Methodist Church, 505 West Marvin Ave,TX. Student’s artwork will be judged and given ribbon awards by age groups. There will also be an additional Best of Show award given at the Elementary Level, the Junior High Level and High School Level. Best of Show Awards at the elementary and intermediate level will be awarded a free scholarship to ECAA’s Summer Art Academy and High School Best of Show will be awarded a Gift Certificate to Blick Art Supply. High school seniors will be given the chance to apply for the Mox Moxley Visual Art Scholarship which includes one $3000 and one $2000 scholarship. This student must plan to pursue a career in Visual Art.
Dates: April 9: Drop off student work at United Methodist Church, 2:30 - 6:00
(Signs will be posted). Show will be set up and hung that evening!
For any drop off conflicts please contact Barbara Woods at
babz1954@gmail.com before Monday, April 7.
April 10:: 2:30 - Show will be Judged
Show will be open to the public from 4:00-6:00 pm
April 11: Show is open from 4:00-6:00 pm
April 12: Reception Day! Show will be open from 10:00-4:00
Awards will be presented at 2:00 pm. This will include awards to all
First Place winners, Best of Show and Scholarship Winners.
4:00 pm - Teachers are to collect their work by 5:00 pm
Scholarship Registration
Art Requirements
Each student may submit one piece of art with a maximum size of 12 inches x 18 inches for 2-dimensional works. Contact Barbara for oversized works of art. Three-dimensional works should not exceed 12 inches x 10 inches x 8 inches. Teachers should prepare 2-dimensional art for hanging as shown below:
This year, we are changing the way in which we hang our work. Therefore, mat all 2-D artwork on black or white construction paper. We will be using velcro dots to hang most work. If you have a heavy piece, we will use clips and curtain hooks to hang your work. If you have stretched canvases, please attach a wire to the back for hanging. Please have your Artwork sorted by grade-levels to make it easier and quicker for those hanging the show.
For more information contact: Barbara Woods at babz1954@gmail.com
Youth Art Show 2024
Our Scholarship winners from 2024: Mason Clark, Olivia Milligan, Alyson Diaz Andrade
Mason Clark's Work
Alyson Diaz Andrade's Work
Olivia Milligan's Work